On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, you wrote:
>     I just built a new machine, using a celeron 566 processor.  As you probably know 
>this uses the coppermine core, and new p3 instruction set (it is basically a p3 with 
>less cache).  When I try to boot Mandrake on this computer I get a 
> Checking 386/387 coupling (3) failed trying to reset
> 387 failed: trying to reset
> over and over and over
> If I remove the 566, and put in a celeron 300a the system boots fine, Mandrake 
>installs without a hitch and all is good.
> I've tried upgrading my kernel to 2.2.16, and then plugging in the celeron 566 with 
>similar results.  I've seen screen captures on numerous sites (while searching for an 
>answer to this question) where people have booted with a p3.  How do they do this???  
>Is there some special kernel switch or something I have to implement?
> thanks for the help
> Sam

   Sam please no html, and you're 4 monitors wide besides.  What
motherboard? what bios?  The 300a Celery and the CuCelery2's are
different animals.  Your problem is hardware, and most likely
motherboard, or if your mobo hardware does support C2's, a bios
flash might fix it.  Did you try to upgrade by just swappin a 566
in for the 300?  

   There's a lot bigger difference between the Cu P3's and the C2's
than just the L2 cache
~~   Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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