I think you have to install the rpm doc-mandrake... (or something like this)
since the documentation (for the system; and the howto too) is not installed
by default. (reading back, I'm less sure of what I am saying, but check...)
I suppose you know that, but just in case... If you try to open the /usr/doc
through disk navigator, it will say "too many files" because there is more
of 200 of them (default setting that can be changed). So, you must click on
"open the directory" on top of the (inexisting!) list.
Can you access the directory through the console (for example ls -l
/usr/doc/ or cd /usr/doc/) ?
Can you access it through kfm (Kde file manager) or gpm (gnome file manager)
Hope this can be helpful.

-----Message d'origine-----

Pete Smith wrote:
> Hello
> This my first enquiry
> I really am new :))
> I have tried to read from the docs folder on the kde desktop of the linux
7 I
> have just intalled and it gives the message "unable to read file(XXXX) may
> exist"
> I have tried going through (disk navigator) but when I get tousr/doc it
> "too many files"
> and I can't get in.
> Any suggestions ???
> Thanks
> Pete
> Sorry no sig I havn't figured out how to do it yet

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