It's one of two things: either you need to specify Linear protocol for Lilo to 
eliminate the 'LI' boot failure. Or you should re-detect your hard drive in your bios 
to make sure it has the correct properties [cylynders, size, etc] especially if you 
have used a drive installer to put in a large HD. Also, you may want to change the 
partition that LILO is using to boot from. Put it on /dev/hda1 instead of the boot 
sector. That can sometimes help.



On Tue, 04 Jul 2000 20:57:03   Justin Johnson wrote:
>after several, several installs of MDK 7.1, i finally reached a point where 
>i could no longer boot with a floppy (as the boot device, a normal boot 
>disk worked fine).  it would get to "stage 1" but no "stage 2" if i was 
>using grub, and get to "LI" without the "LO" if using LILO.
>and there it would stay, no disk activity and no floppy activity.
>i used a floppy to boot because i installed linux onto my second hard 
>drive, and kept my first drive completely untouched by linux.  but even 
>after putting the boot loader on my main drive, just to see what happened, 
>i still got the same things.
>when booting with a boot disk for the first time after an install, i could 
>get into linux.  but when trying it again, something was corrupted and it 
>couldn't mount the partition.
>my only conclusion is that i just simply gave my second hard drive such a 
>workout over several days of reinstallations, it had trouble finding and 
>switching to that partition upon booting.  this drive is very prone to 
>errors and developing bad sectors, so i'm not surprised.
>but it's so disappointing after a few days at the beginning of successful 
>installations, to not even be able to run it in any manner.  every day at 
>work i would look forward to getting home so i could play around in linux 
>some more (i'm fairly new to linux.)
>anyone else experienced anything like this?
>my only solution is that i'm building a new system soon anyway... i'll try 
>getting a brand new drive to try it out on again.

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