I've just installed an SB Live! Value PCI sound card and I can't
get the
darn thing to work in MDK7.0.

What I've done is run sndconfig and then the card gets detected
and it says
it is going to run a sample sound.
When it goes to do this i get the following error message:
modprobe error
The following error occurred running
the modprobe program:
o: init_module: Device or resource busy.

After the autoconfiguration fails it says it will do a manual
Then it gives the list of cards, I pick the Sound Blaster Live!
card and
then the above process is repeated.
(at no stage am i given the option to enter the settings
manually for the
sound blaster card)

So now I try another manual configuration with a different card,
that being
the Sound Blaster 16.
This time I am allowed to enter the settings available. So I
enter the
I/O Port      0x220
IRQ            5
DMA1        1
DMA2        5
MPU I/O    0x330
Doing this and hitting enter results in me being cast out of
sndconfig and
back to the terminal with the following message on the terminal:
[/root]# /usr/sbin/sndconfig
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I have tried manual configurations with all the sound blaster
cards and
other cards with the available settings as indicated above.

I then read somewhere that there could be an IRQ conflict due to
PNP being
enabled in the bios,
So I went into the bios and there I found no way of disabling
PNP but I did
find the list of IRQ's
and noticed IRQ[5] was reserved so I changed this to being
available. I then
proceeded to repeat the long
process described above with the same result (device resource
busy) and
being thrown out of sndconfig
to a message saying - Segmentation fault (core dump).

I am a newbie so going into files and editing them etc. is
completely beyond
me, I just wouldn't know where to

If anyone could enlighten me as to how I can fixed this I would
be very


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