Opps I see that you've alread read the man page...

Now try ENABLING the extra features, ONE AT A TIME...

Linux disables 32 bit I/O, DMA, etc. by default for compatibility purposes.

You'll need to enable this on your drive... but test this FIRST!


|-----Original Message-----
|From: Steve Elliott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 4:30 PM
|Subject: [newbie] Hard drive problems
|Hiya all,
|       I have a problem with HD access with 7.1.
|       It was a fresh install of the 2 IsO cd set. I had w98 
|installed first
|in a 6 gig primary partition. I then installed linux into the remainder.
|I have an athlon 650 on an asus k7v motherboard and voodoo 3000 vid, 128
|ram, 10 g seagate st310212a ultra66 disk. I am ansure as to controller
|       The prob is when i run hdparm -Tt i get a low reading of 4 
|mb/sec  :(((
|for reading form the disk - 140 mb/sec thru the cache.
|       I have run a similar test under 98 and got roughly the same 
|low result
|for disk read.
|       When the machine boots up the disk is starting in mode 4.
|       I spoke to the dealer who i got the machine from - only 2 
|weeks old. He
|has the same setup at home and has found a similar prob under rh6.2 on
|his box and w98. What he found was that with 98 on the system as a fresh
|install - no linux on system at all - it reads OK. as soon as linux goes
|near the disk it slows down. He has spoken to seagate, but of course
|they r not a lot of help as soon as u mention the word linux.
|       Anyway able to help me here ? I have not confirmed my dealers story
|that with 98 only it runs OK - i don't wanna blow the system away just
|yet ....

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