Hi Guys,

I have Linux Mandrake 7.0 Deluxe, basically installed and running except
for peripherals (to be dealt with later) and the display on my monitor is
offset to the right about 1 inch ( the left side border is too large?)

I have tried XFdrake , XFdrake --expert and Xconfigurator and they each
provide a small window that changes screen resolution and color depth BUT
NOT the position of the display on my monitor.

xf86config has a lot of adjustments in it but not how to adjust the
display location/mode.

xf86setup which I have used in SuSE is not found on my Mandrake setup.

xvidtune which is on my Mandrake system DOES adjust the horizontal
correctly and I can log on and off as different users and the display
remains correct.  However, when I reboot back into Linux the display is
offset again.  How can I make the display adjustments in xvidtune become
permanent?  Or what other adjustment utility should I use?

My testing computer was built by Touch Systems, a PII - 233 on ASUS P2L97
with 96m RAM.

The video card is a Matrox Millenium G200 AGP w/ 8 mb. The monitor is NEC
Multisync E500.  

This is a multi-boot machine with WinNT4, OS/2 4, and now Mandrake 7.0
formerly SuSE 6.3.  The physical monitor adjustments have worked with
Windows, OS/2 and SuSE and I am not prepared to alter the physical
of the monitor and then diddle with the other operating systems software
settings in order to accommodate Mandrake.  There must be a way to get
Mandrake to accept the a horizontal adjustment in display setting and
retain the adjustment through a reboot. 

PS my copy of the Mandrake 7.1 CDs just arrived in the mail and I would
like to play with it, once I know how to permanently shift the display

Thanks for any assistance.

Ralph Sanford        -        If your government does not trust you,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    -    should you trust your government?

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