On Sat, 8 Jul 2000, Quaylar wrote:

Howdy y'all,

>paul, it seems that 7.1 (i have the small version, 2 cds binaries and 
>tools, no sources) does touch the isdn devices.......it did properly
>upgrade my isdn4k utils and isdn4net  package but one file (what i saw so 
>far) was gone : /dev/isdninfo
>maybe u can prevent this on your machine by not choosing to upgrade the 
>isdn packages.....unfortunatly i wasnt offered to
>choose which packets to upgrade.....although setup tells that u are (!), 

Ai, this is not so nice! I just finished upgrading my other pc (I have
that one to try things on) and after doing a customized setup (not the
automated one) it started upgrading packages etc, and also let me change
things for networking, make a bootdisk etc.

>finally i was told by some guys on the isdn4linux list that one had to use 
>the "makedev.sh" script to recreate the devices....unfortunatly this script 
>isnt on my system..it seems that it comes with the source of 
>isdn4k-utils......now guess.....the source for version 3.1beta7-2mdk isnt 
>available on any ftp server of mandrake......the binary is......dont 

Perhaps you have some luck when you try to find this stuff through
It is a site that has helped me get my things up and running, it has
several links to all kinds of sites, including FTP sites where you can
find ISDN4LINUX stuff. Good possibility that the script you're looking for
can be found there also.

>understand this...but anyways......maybe this was just bad luck.....;)
>shit happens.....*g*
>just to tell u what i know so far about this prob...

Thanks, Dave. I appreciate it!

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