Hi, I pretty much do what Paul does, except I either
go to a Alt-Cntrl-F1 and log in as root and do what I
need to do from command line or in midnight commander
or just go to Gnome ... I use Gnome exclusively for root
stuff and use KDE for user stuff.  Simple stuff, like moving
mp3s and other files to archives on a windows partition,
I su in terminal window or use kfmsu whichever I am
in the mood for.  I have even been known on occasion
to su in terminal and run gnorpm to install certain small
rpms right in KDE.

The beauty of Linux is in its diversity.  There is no one
way to do something that has multiple ways of doing it
and still be right....it is a matter of preference....an individual


Paul wrote:

> On Sun, 9 Jul 2000, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> >On Sun, Jul 09, 2000 at 09:00:10AM +0200, Paul wrote:
> >> In the end it always boils down to "do it the way it works for you".
> >
> >Sure, but mentioning "more secure against errors" and "graphical interface"
> >in one sentence really, really hurts IMO.
> I personally agree very much with this.
> A GUI for a plain user is okay with proper permissions in place. As root I
> hardly ever run X. I can do what I need from the prompt. And then log out
> again from there as soon as possible.
> Small stuff I just "su" in a terminal window.
> Paul
> --
> In every loss there is gain,
> as there is gain in every loss...
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