Alright, most of this has probably already been pulverised into the ground,
but I'll ask anyway.

Trying to install Mandrake 7.1 on a Unisys Aquanta HR/6 server. It's a 6
processor Pentium Pro 200 machine, currently with 2gb of RAM. Needless to
say, the installs don't go too well.

Originally the machine had a AMI Megaraid controller, but I thought that
Mandrake didn't really like it (since my installs were failing) so I
swapped that out in favor of an Adaptec 2940. Didn't make a bit of difference.

Here's what happens:

I'll go through the install, make my partitions, etc. It will copy files
happily. Then it asks for the supplemental CD (or whatever it calls that
2nd CD), either it will copy files off that, or bitch at me and say it
can't work with the CD. I know both CDs are fine - Mandrake installed like
a champ on my laptop. Sometimes I can get it to finish the install, but
then - if I started out with partitions on the drive before I started the
install - I'll get errors that LILO can't install, divide by zero errors,
or whatnot.

If there are no partitions on the machine when I install, the install will
go fine, but when I go to boot, it won't mount the root file system and
hangs with a kernel panic.

Any ideas?


ben ruset  :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  :  

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