I would not be surprised if someone has not done something
like that with Perl.  Perl programs work fine in Linux.

I also use http://google.com/ for a lot of searches.  Best
search engine I have found.

Go to sites like http://www.freshmeat.net/ to find out what
has or has not been done for Linux.


On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, John Glasscock wrote:

» To all,
» One of the most useful programs on the net that I have found for
» searching the web, and subparts of it, is Sherlock.  However, it is only
» on the Mac as an integral part of the MacOS.  The next best thing is
» Copernic, found at 
» http://www.copernic.com/
» However, Copernic is not available for Linux users, and by golly, it
» ought to be!  The have a special add-on for searching programming
» specific sites and topics, which ought to especially appealing to Linux
» users.  
» If you have used Copernic, available for the Macintosh and all flavors
» of windoze (basic program is free, all add-ons cost about $30 total) you
» know what I am talking about.  The next best web based alternative is 
» http://www.metacrawler.com/index.html
» If you want to see a linux port, surf to 
» http://www.copernic.com/support/suggestion.html
» and offer your suggestion to port a linux client. As newbies, we need
» access to information, and during those long dark hours between posting
» a question and getting a response can seem like an eternity.  I have
» found this to be a great tool and highly recommend it.  I am in no way
» affiliated with Copernic or its associated companies (if there are any)
» in any sense but represent my opninion only as a very satisfied user.

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