On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Phil Burton wrote:

>Ascii text conveys information.  If one needs
>expressiveness, then create a web page.  There are many here
>who use plain text mail programs -- as I do, because I do
>not care to read my mail in Netscape nor KDE.  It's not that
>I cannot read HTML mail, but the expressiveness is wasted on
>me.  Besides, it is not considered good netiquette when
>attachments are sent over a public mailing list.  If you use
>plain text mail, then the HTML is an attachment.

To this (I will always opt for plain text also), there are people that
have to pay for the phone charges to access their e-mail. The more e-mail
(HTML tags make a file larger, as do embedded images, sounds etc), the
longer I (yes, I pay around $2/hour to be online in phone charges) have to
be online. And with the amount of mail that this list generates, that can
add up.

My version of Pine has no problem with HTML, but it is a bit annoying to
wait for your mail longer than needed.


You can't depend on your eyes
when your imagination is out of focus.
- Mark Twain

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