Why not just make things easy on yourself and load an earlier version of
VI from an older Linux distro like RH6.0 or 6.1. Those didn't ship the
release of VI VIM that supported colored syntax. Would/might be a little
easier and less time consuming for you if you're not too familiar with VI


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        Registered Linux user # 182496

On Sun, 16 Jul 2000, Mike & Tracy Holt wrote:

> I'm sorry I don't use VI, but I've read something about not including it
> anymore and that it's actually some kind of enhanced VIM?  (The added
> colors, etc that you're talking about).  Anyway, I've just searched
> linuxberg and can't find a download, but possibly there's a way to turn off
> the syntax highlighting?  Have you checked the howto's?  I'm in my Win2k
> system right now so I can't look.
> Good luck!
> Mike
> > Hello and help!
> >
> > Since I upgraded to 7.1, I noticed that vi has all kinds of colors in the
> > text. Now I pulled a webpage (linux.htm) into vi, and I can't read most of
> > it anymore.
> > I am colorblind, and there are lots of dark colors in it. I really can't
> > make out what is what anymore.
> >
> > Can someone tell me how to get rid of the colors? The previous version had
> > bold and underline, which worked for me. I can't use vi for webpages
> > anymore this way, and that hurts. Say whatever you want but I love vi.
> >
> > Paul
> >
> > --
> > Television is democracy at its ugliest.
> > - Paddy Chayevsky
> >
> > )0(    [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]    )0(
> > http://nlpagan.net -  ICQ 147208
> > Registered  Linux  User   174403
> >

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