I know. I know. I still know how to type. I was wondering if it was okay
to add
my vcard with the information included.


Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> Roman....ha ha, what first comes to mind is, after you type
> Roman, then type the number.  :-)
> Alan
> Romanator wrote:
> >
> > I was wondering. Is there another way of adding my 'Registered Linux
> > User number below my name without enabling the signature? It sounds like
> > this bothers some people.
> >
> > I am using Netscape.
> >
> > Roman
> > Paul wrote:
> > >
> > > On Sun, 16 Jul 2000, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> > >
> > > >On Sun, Jul 16, 2000 at 09:41:12PM +0100, Paul wrote:
> > > >>
> > > >> For all the unsubscribees.
> > > >> I may turn this into a weekly lecture, plenty of students, as obvious...
> > > >
> > > >What about putting that into the signature of each and every outgoing
> > > >message?  That way nobdoy can say that he didn't know how to
> > > >unsubscribe.
> > > >
> > > >Alexander Skwar
> > >
> > > And then start a new e-mail war on the length of signature files? I don't
> > > remember how many mails I dumped about replies on top or bottom or
> > > such. *grin*
> > >
> > > I did consider it though!
> > >
> > > Paul
> > >
> > > --
> > > Nobody ever forgets where he buried the hatchet.
> > >
> > > )0(    [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]    )0(
> > > http://nlpagan.net -  ICQ 147208
> > > Registered  Linux  User   174403
note:Roman - Register Linux User #179293
fn:Roman - RLU #179293

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