html v text is just easly that with linux you have so many diffrent email
readers, and some cannot handle html... so it just shows as pure html text not 
properly translated html.  

As for the windows v linux thing its just a team to cheer for... like a
football team or democracy vs communism, just rivals, it gives motivation 
to causes... people get all excited for their team be it a sports team or
political or even software.  

As for helping others with linux... I am a pure linux user, and only deal with
a little windoez NT at work along with other operating systems not just Linux.  
I love helping in the newbie group because others helped me years ago when I
was just starting with Linux.  

Personaly I just delete the emails which I cannot help with or has nothing to
do with a need for help.


On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> Am I missing something ? I thought the purpose of this list was that it be a
> place where newbies could look for help.
> There are any number of forums open to those who wish to criticise the
> preferences of others.
> I have been a member of this group for a few months now and have both received
> and given help from/to others and am saddened to see that it is now
> degenerating into a platform for what can only be described as rants.
> I and I am sure many like me, aren't interested in Windows bashing, could
> really care less about the html v text views that have littered this group of
> late and are really only interested in Linux-specific issues, particularly
> Mandrake.
> In posting this message I too am guilty of going off topic but please, let's be
> responsible and use this list for the purpose for which I believe it was
> intended - mutual assistance.
Linux Registration #182490
LINUX - Why?
Cause I dont do windows or ovens!

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