Hey there.  7.1 identifies my voodoo2's as being a
voodoo banshee (voodoo3) card.  Needless to say, it
will not work even though the RPM claims to contain
drivers for both voodoo2 and voodoo3 chipsets.  Fine.

I decided to uninstall the voodoo3 crap and install
the voodoo2 drivers that work great in 7.02.  I can't
install the voodoo2 drivers because the voodoo3
drivers are installed and @#$%@$! 7.1 won't let me
uninstall the voodoo3 drivers.  It claims that it
can't find the RPM that it tells me is causing the
conflict with the voodoo2 drivers.

I updated the RPM database to no avail.  I used the
file list in the RPM for the voodoo3 to manually
delete all of its files, to no avail.  I have searched
my entire file system for files named 3dfx, voodoo2,
voodoo3, V2, V3, Glide etc etc.  Nothing is installed.
 I have rebooted three times.  Why will this not work?

I am totally completely raging pissed off at mandrake
right now.

Please help.


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