I've read here:


that X 4 and 4.01 support native hardware acceleration
for Geforce 256 cards.  You may also be able to find
and install Nvidia drivers for linux.  Don't know
where to look for those.  I've got 3dfx cards.

--- Quaylar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi all !
> i recently searched the graphics chip compatibility
> database for xfree 
> 3.3.5 and didnt find any entry for ASUS cards or
> Geforce chips...
> but i think i read somwhere that linux supports
> geforce chipsets.......does 
> anybody of u know whether it is possible to use an
> Asus
> AGP V6600 Geforce card under Mandrake ?
> thx
> --dave

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