Mike Koceja wrote:

> hello all.
> i am running Mandrake 7.1 and I have had a lot of
> problems getting kppp to work. So I ditched it and
> decided to use kwvdial. I downloaded the rpm installed
> it and everything seemed to be working nicely. It
> dials logsin and claims to have connected. The only
> problem is that when I go to open netscape it turns
> out that I'm not really connected after all. I am
> really at a loss here. I would hate to have to scrap
> Linuw now. I have everything else working nicely all I
> nedd is to be able to dialup and connect to the
> Internet. Please!!!! Someone help me out here.
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dont scrap it. hang on and somebody will help u.
in my mandrake 7.1 i had the same problem. i didnt
know what to do and by the way u are connected so i
reinstalled and in the installation when it asks u if
u want to connect and get security answer yes, let
your modem connect and then when u see the security
programs just refuse them and when u first get
your connection netscape and kfm will both know
its there. i didnt know what else to do but at leas
i  got it to work.


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