Hi Roman,
Thanks again, but no, tried setting unique mount points and that didn't work
neither does mount -t vfat -o user,noexec,nodev,nosuid,rw,noauto /dev/hdd
/mnt/LS  - still says only root can do that, guess I'll just have to live with
On Mon, 31 Jul 2000, Roman Korcek wrote:
> Hey Poogle,
> >> > I have got an internal LS120 (in place of my floppy) it works fine under kde
> >> > when I access ext2 "formatted" floppies, but if I try to mount vfat or msdos I
> >> > get a kfm error message that says "only root can do this" I can access vfat or
> >> > msdos as root or su as a user and mount -t ......... from a command line , I
> >> > can then click on the kdelnk to view the contents.
> >> > Has anybody any ideas why only root can mount as vfat or msdos, if so what do
> >> > I need to change to allow user access.
> >> > TIA  

> I think it shouldn't be pointing to the same mounting point (in your
> case /mnt/ls). Try changing them to e.g. /mnt/LSext and /mnt/LSfat or
> whatever you prefer. Not sure if it will work.
> If not, try selecting supermount as filesystem. Though again not sure
> if it works.
> Does it work if you umount the ext2 partition and then
> mount -t vfat -o user,noexec,nodev,nosuid,rw,noauto /dev/hdd /mnt/LS
> ?
> Roman

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