Patti Wavinak wrote:
> I downloaded Netscape 4.74 gzip compressed Communicator tar archive. I
> then uncompressed and extracted the tar file and ran ./ns-install. It
> showed me which directory it was installing this in and per instructions
> I then ran "cd the_directory_I_just_installed_to ./netscape" (without
> the quotes). When I go into netscape it is still bringing up 4.73. I
> even rebooted (okay, some things from WinBloz die hard) and it still
> comes up as Netscape 4.73. I'm thinking that perhaps the instructions
> were wrong and instead of cd the directory that I just installed to
> ./netscape maybe I should have mv (moved) the directory I just installed
> to ./netscape. I am really hoping that someone can give me some guidance
> here -- I have obviously screwed something up.
> I thank you in advance.
> Patti
> Registered Linux User 184611


It sounds as if you haven't removed the version of Netscape that came
with the ML distribution.  You need to do an rpm -e netscape, from a
console window, as root.  Then, you need to point your launcher to the
file /opt/netscape/netscape.  That should do it.  I had the same thing
happen with my distribution.


Harry Flaxman  | Reg Linux User 182484
ICQ # 22086907 | Reg Linux System 80769

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