Okay, I've been playing around with PMfirewall for a bit now. I did grab
the ipchains (not ip_chains!!!) RPM and install it, so ipchains is in
/sbin. I did a sh install.sh from the pmfirewall-1.1.4 folder, and the
script starts. It does find ipchains now. I have a few questions about
the questions it asks during the installation. What exactly am I
supposed to put for the external interface? I tried ppp0,
eth0, even modem (yes, I was desperate!). I don't have a network, I'm
not masquarading, I just want a fairly secure desktop box to access the
'Net with. I answered (1st time) NO to all the questions about ports,
except the obvious, like having pmfirewall use my dynamic IP address,
and then I could not get Netscape to load a page, or grab my E-mail. I
went back and changed few things and have those back again.

Any hints/clues/suggestions for a firewall user wannabe? I did read the
docs and man page with pmfirewall, as well as the ipchains HOWTO,
but I still couldn't any docs that walk you through the installation
script. (or did I just miss it somewhere?)

Thanks in advance! ;-)

PS Oh, 1 more thing. Pmfirewall is listed as starting when I bootup, and
I've got it set to start when ppp is successful. Is this the correct way
to start it?


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