Correction: if-up must be ip-up etc.. in /etc/ppp/

"Eric MC.D" wrote:
> "Eric MC.D" wrote:
> >
> > If You don't have a network !!
> > What you have to do:
> > 1. select ippp0 (isdn card) or ppp0 (52k modem)
> > 2. ppp0 or ippp0 must started-up before pmfirewall takes
> > effect !!!
> > 3. so select :
> > I tryed PMfirewall on the following machine:
> > -networkcard : none
> > -internet connection: via ISDN card
> > -POP to retrieve from ISP (no IMAP)
> > Purposes:
> > Want to close all ports to the outside.
> > Installation:
> > On the untared pmfirewall dir ~/pmfirewall-1.1.4
> > Type: sh
> > The install proc.: (questions (summerized) - responses.)
> > *dir to install: /usr/pmfirewall         #(or where you
> > want)
> > *network :                           ippp0  (or ppp0)
> > *unrestricted access ?               Y
> >    IP range:               
> >    add others ?                      N
> > *IP ragnges to block completely ?    N
> > *IP address assigned via DHCP ?      N
> > *Running FTP         ports 220/21 ?  N
> > *    "   SSH                   22 ?  N
> > *    "   Telnet server         23 ?  N
> > *    "   SMTP server           25 ?  N
> > *    "   DNS  server           53 ?  N
> > *    "   Finger server         79 ?  N
> > *    "   Web server            80 ?  N
> > *    "   POP server           110 ?  Y
> >      IP address            
> > *Allow IDENT                  113 ?  N
> > *Running NNTP server          119 ?  N
> > *If using NTP                 123 ?  N
> > *Open NetBIOS/Samba       137-139 ?  N
> > *Running  IMAP server         143 ?  N
> > *    "   SSL web server       443 ?  N
> > *    "   routed (RIP)         520 ?  N
> > *Open NFS                    2049 ?  N
> > *X server               5999-6003 ?  N
> > *Other ports to open              ?  N
> > *Start on boot-up                 ?  N
> > *Autodetect IP address            ?  Y
> > *Masquerade for other PC's        ?  N
> >
> > *Start pmfirewall when succ PPP connection ?  Y
> > -------------------------------------------
> > Now copy the pmfirewall-script added in /etc/ppp/ip-up.local
> > to /etc/ppp/ip-up (takes no effect on ip-up.local)
> > Same on ip-down from ip-down.local.
> > Start your connection.
> > If pmfirewall didn't started,start pmfirewall:
> > cd /usr/pmfirewall ( or rhe dir you installed pmfirewall)
> > sh pmfirewall start
> > If there are no error messages you'r ok !
> > -------------------------------------------
> >
> > Results:
> > >From --> STEALTH --> PORTPROBE
> >
> > Port            Service         Status
> > ----            -------         ------
> > 21              FTP             stealth
> > 23              Telnet            "
> > 25              SMTP              "
> > 79              Finger            "
> > 80              HTTP              "
> > 110             POP3              "
> > 113             IDENT             "
> > 139             NetBIOS           "
> > 143             IMAP              "
> > 443             HTTPS             "
> >
> > -------------------------------------------
> > Hope this help.
> > Eric MC

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