RJS II wrote:

>     I tried M16 and while it was a bit of a bear to install ;-) It is
> still very much a beta. IMHO, it is not ready to be used as a
> replacement for Netscape 4.7.

Well, hate to break it to you, but now you need to go back and download
milestone 17 which in my opinion is quite a bit faster and better then
Milestone 16 (which I thought was worse then M15).  And if it does seem
a bit like beta software .... well, it is beta!  I'm not sure why the
install wouldn't have been anything but fairly easy.

mkdir /usr/local/mozilla .... or maybe /home/user/mozilla  .... or
mv mozilla-filename.tgz /directory/above
cd /directory/above
tar -zxvf mozilla-filename.tgz
cd package

that's it .... not too tough :)

Larry Hignight
Descent 3 beta tester
 12:50pm  up 4 days, 20:58,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.01

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