Cyrix P233
Abit m/b
64 Ram
Cirrus Logic 6465 4MB (could be off a little on the chipset)
Linux MDK 7.1
3Com 509B (eth0)(tried swapping the NIC's with NO change)
3Com 503 (eth1)
12 port hub

I have been trying to share my cable modem, but unsuccessfully.  I have no
problem setting up eth0 and eth1, all the parameters go in fine.  However the
link light on my hub does NOT light up from eth1.  I have tested the hub, it
works correctly.
I setup eth0 for DHCP (static IP), and used the 192.168 series for the local
network(eth1).  Both NIC's show up fine in "ifconfig", but the NIC doesn't
seem to be sending to the hub.  Anyone know what might be the problem?

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