And I have more problems come up with Linux than I ever did have with
windows that is why I just got done taking Linux off my HD and putting
windows back on. Linux needs alot of work before it can even come
close to preforming like
Where do you want to go today! Windows will get you there almost right out
of the box. Were with Linux it May be a long time coming before you
get every thing working just the way you like (but this may be more the
of the applications you use and not linux itself.)
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Wahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2000 1:10 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT Linux has on up on windows

> On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> > On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> > > Now i know that this is not very usall, that is why i am going to tell
you all.
> > > Right now we all know how windoze has better hardware support than
> >
> >    Nope! We all sure damn don't!!
> >    It's prob'ly apparently that way to most 'hands off' users, but
> > actually the reverse... very unfortunately, is the case.
> >
> >    Windoze has been the most popular OS for the desktop by far for
> > almost 10 years now.  Among the pros and cons of this history,
> > particularly in the last few years, is that hardware has been
> > foisted on the unaware 'computing public' that is 'win' hardware.
> > It's not hard for windoze to 'better' support hardware, when the
> > hardware is designed solely for, or at least slanted towards
> > Windoze, and the manufacturers withhold or provide limited support
> > for any other OS.
> >
> >    Most all computer users that vary from this 'win' computer/
> > hardware situation, eg, Linux users, soon realize not all hardware
> > is created equal.  First baptism is they find out their modem is
> > not really a modem, but just a board that has a place to stick a
> > phone line into. _IF_ you use it with windoze.  Next most familiar
> > plight is they find out they don't really have a printer, it only
> > works with Windoze.  What they prob'ly don't even realize, is that
> > their super duper 900mhz Intel Inside, brand new ready made ...
> > runs like a homebuilt 450, since the cpu/cache/ram/drives are takin
> > on the work load that 'win' hardware shirks and dumps on 'em.
> >
> >    The problem goes a lot deeper than this. With the popularity,
> > advent, foisted upon ... however you see it... of the 'onboard',
> > 'builtin' video/sound/modem motherboards (absolute junk IMO), users
> > of OS's other than Micro$h!+, soon find out that the manufacturer's
> > of this cr@p, either only marginally support, provide only binary
> > support (eg, Nvidia), or refuse to support any other OS but ... you
> > guessed it, Winblows.
> >
> >       According to the DOJ, this has been going on because of
> > illegal arm twisting by M$. It's real hard (I don't know why they
> > bother) for Linux, BSD, etc., volunteers to try and write drivers
> > for this sub standard 'win' cr@p, when the manufacturers
> > won't/don't cooperate.  This is the real injustice M$ has caused.
> > __Not flimsy software... flimsy hardware___
> >
> >   My point:  Windoze is responsible for lousy hardware, and lousy
> > hardware support, even by their own products. OS's like Linux and
> > BSD are doin a Herculean job, IMO, to do as well as they do....
> > which is often better than Windoze or NT can  ...amazing
> >
> >    The result is ALL desktop computer users loose and loose big.
> > Marginal, junk hardware is dumped on the computing public. BUT,
> >
> >      HEY!, "it works great with Windoze!"
> >
> >
> See your point.  I'll be looking to do some hardware uprgrades in the
> future so I would like to ask if anyone knows if there is a list
> maintained somewhere of linux-friendly (ie.real) hardware manufacturers.
> Thanks,
> --
> #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#
> | Ken Wahl, CCNA   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  PGP Key ID:  3CF9AB36 |
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> #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--> Powered by Linux Mandrake <--=-=-=-=-=-=-
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