Try a 'Custom' upgrade with the installation CD
then you can choose LiLO or Grub

On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Trying to get this sent, but it keeps bouncing back.  I am
> subscribed.  Could you post it for me?
> Installed mandrake linux 7.1 perfectly using Automode install, the
> X-Windows interface during the instal worked fine, it recognized all my
> hardware, but during the reboot progress it failed.  I got something like,
> "Start1 Start2" then it hung.  I forget the actual words, but it hangs on
> boot up and does nothing.
> Tried booting from floppy so I could run and check the lilo.conf, but I
> could not get the floppy boot to recognmize the CD-ROm during 'Recovery'
> mode.  So I never got a prompt.  I used to use RH 5.1, but I am NOT an
> expert user.
> My hardware:
> E-Machines Pentium II 333mhz
> 32 mb memory
> 2Gig HD
> Partition does include /temp /usr and swap drives
> NEC Monitor
> Question:
> Do I need to re-run LILO or look at my LILO.conf?  In auto install mode, I
> did not specify MBR or 1st drive as my boot method, does it matter which I
> use?  I usually use my 1st drive.  I also tried to install an old version
> of Redhat Linux, but it also hung on re-boot.  The system works fine with
> Win98 and Win2000, which is how I polled the hardware to set up linux.  I
> am NOT doing dual boot.
> Thanks, Michael
> Michael Hatzakis, Jr MD
> Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine
> University of Washington Medical Center
> Medical Director, Inpatient and Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs
> Puget Sound Veterans Administration Health Care System
> (206) 277-1792
> (206) 764-2263 Fax
> On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:
> > Test, ignore
> > 
> > 
> >
Eunice Thompson - Treasurer/Community Relations
        Cerritos Linux Users Group

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