It is not to use dos commands that one might need dosemu, but to run legacy
dos applications that one does not wish to leave behind just yet.

Registered Linux user  183185

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

> On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Jeff Malka wrote:
> >I too like Mandrake and I only chose dosemu as an example.  Most of Linux
> >config also requires significant knowledge.  A graphic config exists for
> >many items (like in OS/2), but not for enough items - including dosemu.
> A graphical config for dosemu?  There is no graphical config
> for DOS anywhere, not even on Windows.
> I use mtools (mdir, mcopy) a lot to read/write from/to my
> wife's floppies.  Try that sometime.  It might give you a
> feel of the enormous difference between command-line Linux
> and DOS.  DOS is clunky.  Or I should say it is the
> CLUNKI~1.TXT command line in existence.  That would be a
> nice way of putting it.
> Phil

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