Greg Stewart wrote:

> Um...
> 1, Gates created the first version DOS.

No he did not

IBM did and the us court made them share it so as not to have a monopoly of
hardware and software

> 2. Gates wrotes the first two versions of  OS/2.

no IBM are the sole creators and owners of os2, if was offered to barney gates as
a running system he commented that it (os2) was the best system that he had ever
seen, then fell out with IBM and his people  produced the disasterous 95 then 98
to compete with os2.
os2 is still incomparably better than any M$ offering

unfortunatly in spite of IBM's support of open source os2 will never be released
by order of your government os2 runs all your cruise missiles and other
ordinance,  gates failures in this area (military software) are well documented
and are a convincing testimony to prove that no one with a serious interest in
using a computor should on grounds of reliability, speed, security and cost go
anywhere near an ms product.

> 3. OS/2 would still be written by Gates if his head didn't explode and his
> greed take take over.

dream on, he has not got the expertise

> Yes, Linux is not yet a viable all-round desktop OS, and needs quite a bit
> of knowledgeable intervention to configure. The Open Source Community is
> definitely working on forming Linux into that desktop phenomenon you're
> looking for, but these things take time...especially when 90% of the
> developers are not getting paid.


> There are many different distributions out there which configure different
> utilities in Linux very differently. I,personally, have found things in
> MDK7.1 that are quite nice...especially the install, and their tweaking of
> Xwindows. However, I have also found that my familiar Red Hat looks better
> and better as an all-round server. There may be distributions such as
> Caldera and Corel that have incorporated DOSEMU better than in MDK... if
> that's your main concern.
> I have no experience with DOSEMU as I have fled screaming from any and all
> DOS apps other than fdisk.
> Many of these concerns are already understood...patience....
> --Greg
> > As someone who does not like to have MS stuff on my PCs but have to
> because
> > of the need of relating to the real business world, I was eager to try
> > Linux.  It really is great, especially for an open system.  But I believe
> it
> > still has a way to go before it can be used by the general computer
> public.
> >
> > One example is DOSEMU.  I am running Mandrake 7.1 which installs dosemu
> > automatically, but not in a usable form.

> Whereas OS/2 runs dos
> applications

and has DOS7 in it

> > transparently and even a beginner can use them.  However the equivalent in
> > Linux is dosemu which - let's get real - needs experience with programming
> > to use and is totally useless to a beginner.  As installed only a root can
> > use it.  Apparently to make it useable one must tinker with
> > /etc/dosemu.conf and /etc/dosemu.users.  Well, a normal PC user could not
> > possibly understand or modify these files
> >
> > assuming he can find them in the first place.  That is another problem.
> > There are numerous configuration files (X, etc.) and they are all located
> in
> > different places instead of in one directory where a non programmer can
> find
> > them.
> >
> > There are numerous other problems that make using Linux a steep learning
> > curve - which it does not need to be.  I am certain it will improve and I
> > sure hope so, but it cannot improve unless normal PC users like myself
> point
> > out where they see the problems for them.
> >
> > That is the reason for this message which is not meant to start a flame
> war
> > but to point out where newbies need help, get frustrated and abandon the
> OS
> > despite its obvious advantages.  I for one, though fairly sophisticated
> with
> > computers but not a programmer, still cannot figure out how to modify the
> > various files so that
> >
> > 1. a non su can start and use dosemu
> > 2. how to change from the virtual directory dosemu starts in (when in KDE
> > knosole) to a real dos logical drive (already mounted) where my
> applications
> > exist.
> >
> > AGH!!!
> >
> >
> > Jeff Malka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Registered Linux user  183185
> >
> >
> >

> what is needed is a data base of all the questions that are constantly repeating
> on this list because who can cope with 200 emails a day ?

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I shall persivere with mandrake but not use it as my everyday op system till it
has evolved into a much more usable system

and can out perform os2.

i should add that i'm pretty pissed off with IBM having been a customer in england
since 1963 , they have abandonned all their SOHO users in favor of their 60% of
the top 500 corporations

they do still put out fixes and fixpak 14us for warp keeps os2 way way adead of
the pack

peter, in over taxed overpriced new labor (fashist ) england

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