here's what I've done.......

nt workstation was installed on the pc (not allowed to remove it because of
hda1 + hda2 both 4096mb 
installed mandrake 7.1 all reiserfs except for /boot with was ext2
every thing ran fine.. 
then i created another reiserfs partition with diskdrake. 
but didn't get around to mounting it.

booted up into nt, and created an extended partition with 1 fat logical
drive to share between Linux and nt and formatted it.

rebooted into Linux, moved /downloads to /olddownloads
started diskdrake, which told me that the partition table was too corrupt.
couldn't mount the reiserfs partition mount said that there was a problem
reading it probably not formatted).

mounted the fat partition as /downloads and moved all the stuff across.

rebooted Linux and tried to go into nt, nt loaded came up and told me it
couldn't find disk(0)partition(1) or something like that,

tried to boot into Linux, kernel came up but couldn't mount root partition.

tried mandrake install disk to try and recover the situation it just comes
up with No root partition found when setting up filesystems.

doing a mount -r -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/nt from the Linux installer disk
says, mount failed: Illegal seek at /usr/bin/perl-install/ linr 209

any clues on how to recover the file system? good Linux/ dos tools for
sorting things out.

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