
> Further to my earlier posting  -  I have just used  fdisk  (msdos version) 
> under pure dos  -  "delete non-dos partition'" -  to delete the 3 
> partitions SuSeLinux created on a 400MB harddisk and formatted it under 
> Win95 with no problem. May be you can do that also. But be very careful 
> with which partition you want to delete. Your first posting gave the 
> impression that you only wanted to delete _one_ partition.

OK, what I did was boot from a W98 boot disk (not the one w98 creates,
just formatted a new one and let it copy system files onto it) and
copied fdisk from windows\command and well fdisk didn't see any
NON-DOS partition on my drive. That's the funny thing - I have used
fdisk for deleting non-dos partitions before, but it just doesn't see
the Ext2 partition.
Now comes into my mind - could it because of the misbehavior of LILO
when installing Linux and it didn't want to install correctly cos of
the 1024 cyl. limitation ?
But still, I have reinstalled W98 since, so it should have rewritten
the partition table (or does it not ?)

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