Thanks Roman.
yes I have a Plexwriter 8x4x32.
It's sweet. I wish I had the 12x.
I was finally able to stop booting into Windows just to burn CD's
It's a relief.


On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Hey Eunice,
> > put the installation disk in and do an expert install,
> > when you get to the disk partitioning, just delete the linux partition,
> > click done then exit the install
> Thanks for the advice. I hear you have a PlexWriter 8/4/32? So do I...
> (LOL, lame, I know... ;-)
> If you reply to this mail, please also send me a copy to my private
> email address <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, since I am going to unsub. from
> the list soon.
> Roman
Eunice Thompson - Treasurer/Community Relations
        Cerritos Linux Users Group

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