Once again the java promise not quite delivering  ..... yet.  Hopefully this
will be resolved soon.

Mike & Tracy Holt wrote:

> I was just at this site last night and thought it was pretty cool so I
> signed up.  At this point, I have to go in and reconfigure my router to
> accept voice packets, but if you look in the faq's, they also talk about
> linux solutions; granted those are for people using a linux box as a
> firewall, but nonetheless...  I would say that the biggest obstacle is being
> able to use the java applet under linux - if your linux browser supports it,
> then you should be able to use it (I haven't tried yet).  I'm planning to
> use it from my windows partitions now, and as soon as I get it going there,
> I'll play with the linux side.
> Good luck, Mike
> <snip>
> >> Vic wrote:
> >> >
> >> > How many of you object to dialpad.com not supporting linux?
> >> >
> >> > Lets e mail them and tell them what we think
> >> > of their unfair practice of discrimination against
> >> > Linux users!
> >> >
> >> > It is the rights of the linux community to be able
> >> > to use dialpad.com just as much as the
> >> > windows users.
> >> >
> >> > Please e mail dialpad.com to express
> >> > how you feel about this unfair discrimination.
> >> >
> >> > Go to http://www.dialpad.com or
> >> > email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
> >> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] <--not as likely to get response I feel.
> >> >
> >> > Or snailmail them
> >> > Dialpad.com, Inc.
> >> > 2953 Bunker Hill Lane, #400
> >> > Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA
> >> >
> >> > Thank you.

Larry Hignight          Descent 3 Beta tester          Caldera Linux 2.4
  3:05pm  up 26 days, 23:13,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00

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