Thank for your advice .
But sad to sad I had approached Chaintech for the driver for Vodoo banshee
driver for linux but they told me that they don't have any.
beside that i am novice to changing the setting so i may have some problem
inths changes.
that is another topic.
I had tried to get the driver from but the homepage seem to
be not working.
so where can i get some more help.

Thanks again
P.s send me some reply even you don't have the answers.

-----Original Message-----
From: Trevor Reynolds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Voodoo3 3000 install

        I am running Mandrake 7.0 and originally had a SiS 6326 PCI card in
when I installed Mandrake.  About a month ago I exchanged the card with
a Creative Labs VooDoo Banshee.  Before I changed cards I downloaded the
latest Linux drivers from Creative, untarred them in a temporary
directory and then changed then run level from "5" (graphical) to "2"
(console) in /etc/initab.  I changed the cards, rebooted and Mandrake
automatically found the card, deleted all the info about the SiS
reconfigured X for the Banshee (albeit using the SVGA server).  I then
ran the executable supplied from Creative which installed the correct
server and updated /etc/X11/Xf86Config.  I typed in startx and there I
was 32 bit color, 1280X1024.  Now if I can only get glide to work I'd be
set, but that's another topic completely.
        I know your card is from a different manufacturer but it may be
worth a
shot.  Good luck

Paul wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Chua Leap Kee wrote:
> >Hi I seem to be having some problem with my graphic card.
> >Mandrake state that Voodoo Banshee is supported but when i try to install
> >Linux my screen goes blank / Blank.
> >Do you know what is the problem.
> >I'm using ChainTech Desperado Voodoo Banshee
> I don't do voodoo, but perhaps you should try setting things up very
> conservative. 640x480 and 256 colors to start with, and then see how far
> you can push things upward.
> Paul
> --
> When you're born again,
> do you have two bellybuttons?
> )0(    [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]    )0(
> -  ICQ 147208
> Registered  Linux  User   174403
> -=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

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