Are you sure it is not working?  I mean, have you enabled system sounds in KDE and turned up the volume for CD players?  I'm not sure how to enable sounds in gnome if that is the desktop you are using.   Check in KDE control center to see if system sounds is enabled. And  click on the small speaker icon on the task bar to see where the volume is set.  If you have already done these things, I would go to Konsole and  "su" and type in " soundconfig" and try configuring that way.


"Julio C. Gutierrez" wrote:

Hi everyone, I recently installed Mandrake 7.1 and it works terrific,
with one exeption, My Ess sound card that is supposed to be compatible
doesnot work, and it was working under windoze before, so my question
is: is there anything I can do or is there any new or current drivers
for linux? your help will be appreciated

Thank you!

Dennis a registered linux user #180842

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