Thanks - but here's what it says when I set the path to any Win program:

/usr/x11r6/bin/wine-strip: Can't exec '/mnt/dev/hda1/windows/notepad.exe': 
file not found.

And it also says it couldn't find find my keyboard layout.

And when looking at the installed files with the RPM viewer, it says "file 
attribute differences, etc/wine.conf and usr/x11r6/bin/wine-conf.

At 10:48 PM 8/29/00 -0400, you wrote:
>wine [/path] /filename.ext
>i.e., wine /mnt/dev/hda1/aclt/acltwin.exe
>would mount and open autocad lite.  I have had problems
>with the files directory associated, but the program opens.
>With more work, or copying the necessary files to a directory
>in Linux, things should work better.  But that's the general idea.
>I'm just fooling with it now, but would like to get all of this
>stuff to work, not being all that happy with the MS attitude. . . .
>At 08:36 08/29/2000 -0700, you wrote:
> >Been trying to figure out Wine - how exactly do you use it? I can't get it
> >to even start. Thanks
> >

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