Hello Guys and Gals,

Just installed Mandrake 7.1 a few hours ago. Was running SuSE 6.4 for
about 3 weeks prior.

My system is:

ASUS P3V4X motherboard
800 Pentium III
256 - 133 MHz RAM
2 - 29 gb Seagate UDMA 66 hard drives
Sony CD
Sony CDR
SoundBlaster 128
US Robotics 3CP5610A
Matrox G400 video card
ViewSonic G810 - 21" monitor

I'm running Win 98 and Mandrake 7.1 through System Commander 2000. I
have 17 gb on 1st HD allotted to Linux

Having trouble with modem installation. Here is some screen shots
showing what I have.





Craig ><>

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