nope, just tried it, made my DVD drive the bootable one, same problem: 'Error creating
second stage RAMDISK' when it is creating it, the progress bar reaches the end but at
the end it spits out the error message... it's not the RAM, I cleaned it as well...
no linux for me (I could try something else, like Red Hat, but Mandrake has the
'easiest' installation procedure for a linux OS in my opinion, but I'm too lazy now...
what is that second stage RAMDISK anywho?

Mark Weaver wrote:

> Um...that CD-RW was a BIG thing to forget to mention. :) Try booting the
> CD with a regular CDROM and I think you'll find that Mandrake will install
> just fine.
> The thing I was thinking about that RAM though was sometimes Mandrake
> won't recognize RAM above 64MB. I was wondering maybe the install program
> was having the same difficulty. As I said before, I can't be certain. It
> was just something I was thinking about. I'm not at all surprised that
> Win2K and 98 didn't have any problem with your hardware. That's how
> they're made. That strength is also their biggest weakness. Overall
> compatability.
> Anyway, CD-RW's are not the same kind of CD hardware in that they 'read'
> somewhat differently. In some instances they won't read regular data CD's
> because of the formatting. An example of this is a re-writable CD is a
> data CD that can only be read by the CD-RW that wrote the CD. A regular
> CDROM will not be able to read that format. I think this quirk goes both
> ways, although I could be mistaken.
> --
> Mark
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> **  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed       | ICQ#27816299
> ** <_||_> in the making of this         |
> **  =\/=  message...                    | Registered Linux user #182496
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Sun, 3 Sep 2000, Paul wrote:
> > what I forgot to mention is that when I built the computer 3 months ago, a friend
> > of my, a linux guru unstalled a copy of Mandrake for me and it was working fine,
> > since then he got rid of it and I installed win2k and win98 on a clean "run..."
> > RAM is PC100, brand new, major brand... no problems with athlons...
> > (sigh) so frustrating... the only new thing that has changed since that first
> > installation of Mandrake is that I added a CD-RW drive which is now the main boot
> > CD drive...
> >
> > Abe wrote:
> >
> > > re-seating the ram is worth a shot but this problem shouldn't have anything to
> > > do with the amount of ram in the system.  I've got a machine with 256M that
> > > installed 7.1 just fine.  My other box has 384M and it also installed just
> > > fine.
> > >
> > > What kind of ram is it?  pc-100?  pc-133?  How new/old is it?  I've read that
> > > Athlon systems can be picky about older/generic ram.  I haven't had any
> > > problems with my generic ram though.
> > >
> > > Try reseating the ram, try cleaning the connecting pins, make sure the ram
> > > modules are installed in order in the slots on the motherboard.
> > >
> > > Good luck!
> > >
> > > Abe
> > >
> > > >===== Original Message From Mark Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
> > > >It sounds like you've got yourself a hardware problem. While I can't be
> > > >100% certain what exactly it is. At first glance though I see you have a
> > > >HUGE amount of RAM. Just a thought though. Try taking one of those 128MB
> > > >chips out and then try the install again and see what happens. I'm not
> > > >sure I can explain this craziness, I just have a feeling.
> > > >
> > > >--
> > > >Mark
> > > >------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > >**  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed      | ICQ#27816299
> > > >** <_||_> in the making of this                |
> > > >**  =\/=  message...                   | Registered Linux user #182496
> > > >------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > >
> > > >On Sun, 3 Sep 2000, Paul wrote:
> > > >
> > > >> hey all,
> > > >> just burned the CDs... boot with the first one, welcomed by a 'welcome'
> > > >> message, hit enter... it's scanning SCSI stuff, CD-ROM, then it's says it's
> > > >> loading second stage RAMDISK, it reaches the end, and the error message
> > > >> pops up: error loading RAMDISK... and I get a blinking cursor at the
> > > >> bottom... :(
> > > >> they say Windoze is frustrating... sigh
> > > >>
> > > >> my specs:
> > > >> Athlon 750 (not Thunderbird)
> > > >> Abit KA7
> > > >> 256MB RAM
> > > >> Win2k(24GB), Win98(2GB) Partitions, 4GB unPartitioned
> > > >> PioneerDVD 10x, Creative CD-RW 4x2x24 (install/boot from this one...)
> > > >> Elsa - GeForce2
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > >
> > > Jesus saves,
> > > Allah forgives,
> > > Chthulu thinks you'd make a nice sandwich.
> >
> >
> >

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