"Larry Marshall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tape drives are ok but CDs seem the better way to go.  I've used both
> and, at least in a Windows world, the CDs are more convenient...cheaper
> too.

Right on.  I've been using TR-3 tapes for several years, first on an Iomega
drive (a grievous error: the drive was tolerable though noisy, but the s/w 
was putrid & the customer service worse) and now on an Exabyte 
(a glorious improvement).  But the spectacular bloat that has occurred in 
s/w recently has made the floppy drive i/f intolerably slow.  Last week I 
had occasion to restore all of a TR-3 (1.6GB native) which was about 
90% full & it took 5.5 hours!  

If a really fast tape (which means SCSI, usually) is not in your budget 
then CD-R or -R/W is probably the route of choice.  I'm well pleased 
with the LG drive & Adaptec s/w on my wife's Dell.  I ship my stuff over 
there on the LAN & read the result on my new CD-ROM drive.  And $1 
for a CD-R or $1.50 for a CD-R/W sure beats $15 to $30 for a TR-3.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Marshall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] it won't install :(


[Text deleted]

> Cheers --- Larry

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