i wanted to share my mandrake experience i have just had. for the last
couple of day my computer has been down. i came home from work
twice and my computer was down. i couldnt believe it. linux had
finally crashed and my computer would not restart. i dont have much
knowledge about installing linux (yet) but anyway this is what happened.
when i tried to reinstall mandreake 7.1 everything would go fine till
i got to the part to get encryption. my modem was turning on, dialing
and then in a couple of seconds was turning off and then redialing
it would do this over and over. i tried reinstalling auto, and server
and still i couldnt not get it to work. then i decided to check out
my bios. my mother board has sound built in and i have always
kept it turned off. when i checked it was on auto. this one problem
caused me several hours of frustration. i jut wanted to share it
in case some of u have newer motherboards and run into this
problem. just go back anc recheck your mother board setting.
it could save u some anguish

laters pat

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