On Mon, 04 Sep 2000, Jason Ashman wrote:

> But, very few winmodems have linux drivers available.  I suggest checking the
> manufacturer's website or any other Linux driver site and see if a driver is
> available.  If not, fork up the bucks and get an external modem.  It is a safe
> assumption to say that the majority of internal modems are winmodems.

I just got and installed a UsRobotics / 3Com internal modem, 56K voicefax,
which runs fine under Linux; but I had to boot W**** once to configure it.

I'd say that unless your internal modem has jumpers to configure the IRQ
and IO adress, you will be out of luck ;-(


Ron the Frog, on the banks of the Paraguay River.

           A fanatic is a person who does what he knows God would do,
                were God apprised of all the facts of the case.
              ---  http://personales.conexion.com.py/~rolgiati  ---

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