Anthony wrote:
> How do I view a .lzh file? I was downloading some Dance Dance Revolution
> (really really cool arcade game) movies, and I came across some that ended in
> .lzh. I tried viewing them in GTV, but it didn't do anything. So what program
> do I need to view lzh files?
> --
> Anthony
> Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.
.lzh files are compressed files. The format has been around for a long
time, going back to the early MS-DOS period. I've never dealt with them
under Linux, but a brief search on Google for ".lzh linux" found several
Linux downloadable programs that should work: gutTAR, RAR and gzip. They
may even be in the Mandrake distribution. If not, try TuCows or
-- Carroll Grigsby

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