Yeah, I knew df gave me the fullness, but I was just complaining that there was
no warning that I was totally out. Just in the course of downloading stuff and
building up cache, I reached the limit today unexpectently and it damaged some
of my files and I lost some of my personal emails. I'll definitly be keeping a
closer eye on how much space I have left from now on though. 

> > Hmmm another shortcoming of Linux....:)
> > when will it end????
> > My $0.02 worth
> > Jaguar
> *blink*
>  You expected it not to have *any*?  How flattering!  :)
> To the original poster:  you can check the fullness of all mounted partitions at any 
>time by
> typing "df" at a command line prompt.

Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

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