On Thu, 07 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> In a message dated 07-Sep-00 00:41:35 Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> writes:
> << > my laptop says designed foe windows 98, well i run linux on it too i 
> just 
>  > have a couple bugs no drivers for modem (its not a win modem windows had 
> no 
>  > clue what it was till i got drivers for it) and my sound card (crystal 
> sound 
>  > fusion card),
>  > 
>  > last bug the little windows like for log in and such are huge login itself 
>  > under xwindows takes up almost a quarter of my screen if not more, and 
>  > fiddling with the resolution doesnt change it
>  -- 
>  I think I speak for the entire group when I say.....WHAT?!?!?!?
>   >>
>  i m going to try and not say anything offensive, but when you log in with x 
> windows the login window is too damn big!!!!!!!!!
> if this confuses you then you need to go back to elementry school,
> for everyone else i apologize for the rudeness and respectfully request your 
> assistance please
OK, rip-boy...maybe if you learned punctuation and spelling in elementary
school, I wouldn't have needed to read your post five times to get the message.
I got the picture after reading it several times, I am sure I am not alone in
this one...End of post.  Rips will be respectfully declined.

"Every man dies, not every man really lives."

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