DRACONZNY/the sarcasimist:
I guess it is a question of what you are trying to do. If all that you
are trying to impress us with how kewl you are, keep it up. If, on the
other hand, you are trying to communicate your thoughts and knowledge to
the other members of the list (which is its purpose), than some
attention to spelling, punctuation, grammar and the use of complete
sentences would be appropriate. While e-mail is an informal medium, and
no one expects perfect text book English, it is in a written form, so
that the nuances of expression, gestures, inflection, and timing that
are part of speech are not available. Remember, too, that for many of
the participants, (American) English is an unfamiliar language. I'm sure
that many of them would appreciate a few hints as to when one thought
ends, and a second begins. Hell, I've been speaking the language for
over 60 years, and I sometimes find it difficult to figger out wutz goin
-- Carroll Grigsby

> i agree some people go overboard and it seemed like my writing was not that
> bad, however if one must combat spelling and punctuation heres a little news
> i dont care i use generalizations for my speaking it was purely like a
> bulleted listing of bugs i have in my box, but english teachers are always
> nazi's
> actually as a quote from my grandmother the nazi's were nicer!
> (oh is that the correct spelling for nicer????)
> may i go to hell for my mispellings
> so whats it like in norway this time of year?
> lolol
> the sarcasimist
> In a message dated 07-Sep-00 22:03:31 Central Daylight Time,
> << This news group will now be renamed  newbie&punctuation&spelling
>  Honestly, it seems it used to be more civil.
>  Gene
>  > --
>  > OK, rip-boy...maybe if you learned punctuation and spelling in elementary
>  > school, I wouldn't have needed to read your post five times to get the
> message.
>  > I got the picture after reading it several times, I am sure I am not alone
> in
>  > this one...End of post.  Rips will be respectfully declined.
>  >
>  > Jay >>

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