On Thu, 7 Sep 2000, WarmFuzzy wrote:

> Hello,
> Which program are y'all using to turn the .iso file into a Linux
> distribution? I mean besides cdrecord and mkisofs. I have XCDroast,
> Kisocd and gtoaster. None of them seem to know about an image that ends 
> in .iso. My only experience so far is to wind up with an unusable CD
> with one huge file on it that ends in .iso. I can do it fine on my NT
> machine at work using Adaptech Easy CD Creator. 

I can't understand why you don't want to use cdrecord tu burn your image.
All you have to do is "cdrecord -scanbus", to see the number of your
burner, then make a "cdrecord -v -eject dev=0,0,0 img.iso".

I already tried use gcombust or others GUI tools to burn, and always had
problems with them.


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