Budiono Tjia wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to linux and I really need you all to help me
> out for the Installation problem.
> I have Mandrake 7.1 Deluxe. and during the
> installation, I only can install the first CD
> (Installation CD) when the computer ask me to change
> the CD to Extension CD, I can't do it because the
> CDROM can't be open. So right now I want to install
> the extension CD. How can I do that? I also have

There was some discussion on this issue some time back,
you could check the archives for details, I think there
was some delay involved while the installation process completed
some other task - how long did you wait? 

I use an old Pentium 133 and often have to wait - coffee break -
I return and carry on....

> problem for setting up my pci modem so that I can
> connect to the Internet. If some of you have the
> experience, would you please tell me how to set the
> PCI modem?

At risk of getting flammed!!!

You need to supply more information...

Type of modem, ComPorts, Irq, etc. It's well nigh impossible to
help you without basic info.

For my part Every Internal modem I've tried out has been tested
on my 386dx40 running Windows 3.11 BEFORE I paid the dollars -
if it didn't work there it wasn't going to work anywhere else.

Basically if the packaging for the modem suggests it's designed
for Windows 95 or 98 make very sure that YOU the user can set it
up the way YOU want not the way the manufacturer thinks you want

Mostly if you go for an external modem you are much less likely
to have any hassles.
> Your answer will be very appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Budiono
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