> Mark Thurston wrote:
> I have a US Robotics 56K Sportster modem, it is about 3 years old so
> it is not a winmodem.  Anyway, I can get linux to find the driver and
> query the modem, but it always says "the modem is busy."  I need to
> get this running as soon as possible.  Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Mark


I have the same modem and it works fine in both Linux and Windows.

Tell what Com port and Irq you are using.
Is the modem internal or external

Do You have a USB or serial mouse??

Be aware that Linux appears to assign the mouse regardless of it's
type to Com 1 (Dos/Windows) or /dev/ttyS0 (Linux).

As a result of this your modem should _NOT_ be assigned to /dev/modem
or /dev/ttyS0 - it will conflict with your mouse.

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