after trying to find problems with my linux xf86config file and discovering a 
poor install such as very few if any utilitys could be found i figured i 
havent done much with the system and simply formatted my linux partition and 
reloaded linux, well i figured i had a successful install i managed to play 
with the various settings and even found a theme that was made with the 
laptop user in mind, well i decided i needed to figure out tar files because 
my computer needs a particular set of files or i cant run it too long due to 
the fan not running, so i tried to reboot, linux unloaded no problem.
restarted the computer 
try to load windows well it decides it doesnt want to start and automatically 
throws me into the starting point again so i run scan disk and defrag in 
safemode and then reboot

grub starts to load, next thing i know, i see

press tab for available options

this disturbed me
so i type linux

command not found

TYPED windows
command not found
so i press tab
i get a set of options including boot
ok typed boot
linux starts to load and then it gets down to kernel panic! 
system stops
ctrl alt del
reboot the system
i try my boot disk wich i made right after i installed linux, (fianlly after 
having linux for 3 weeks)
it starts to load linux 
kernel panic!
ok lets try to use the recover feature
dont know what it was trying to do i guess load a modified version of linux 
well it crashed
must be a bad boot disk ontop of something wrong with linux, aparently copied 
over when i made the boot disk

so i get the install disk and use the recover feature
it worked now i have
ok lets try fdisk
hda5 aparently is larger then it was partitioned for
i finally using maximum linux magazine used the windows boot disk to restore 
the booting procedure but this means i cant boot into linux, should i try and 
lilo or osxboot or something, but what about the kernel is that just totally 
jacked up, i need some serious help, and i shouldnt keep formatting and 
reinstalling linux thats killing my disk space given that every format kills 
sets of blocks

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