Hi! This is my second go-round with Linux; the first was very brief
(couldn't get my cheesy 810 vid card configured. Thank god for 7.1!),
so I didn't stick around long enough to actually learn anything,
unfortunately. But, now its all installed, the vid card is working, my
modem is dialing, everything is good. 

With one exception. Can't log on to Earthlink.

Now, I was able to call Earthlink customer support when I installed
7.0, and they talked me right through it (this was about 6 months
ago). But they've stopped offering cust support for linux, due to the
many versions, so all I could get out of them this time was how to
fill in the fields in KPPP, which went like this:

Connection name:  Earthlink

Phone number: 4632172

Authentication: PAP

IP Setup: Dynamic IP Address

DNS Servers:

Domain name: earthlink.net

DNS Address list:

User name : ELN\mastermindsltd (I tried this with both \ and /)
password ******

So, I type this in, and then hit connect, and when I used the username
ELN\mastermindsltd, it would dial out, make the usual modem squeals,
then silence for about a minute, and then it said:

error: the pppd daemon died unexpectedly!

I hit the details button, and it said:

Sep 10 19:50:38 localhost pppd[589]: pppd 2.3.11 started by rog, uid

Sep 10 19:50:38 localhost pppd[589]: Using interface ppp0
Sep 10 19:50:38 localhost pppd[589]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS0
Sep 10 19:50:59 localhost pppd[589]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Sep 10 19:50:59 localhost pppd[589]: Modem hangup
Sep 10 19:50:59 localhost pppd[589]: Connection terminated.
Sep 10 19:50:59 localhost pppd[589]: Exit.

And it told me it had no idea why in the possible reasons field.
Anywho, Earthlink, when presented with this problem, told me "Well,
you know, people who use Linux usually know how to fix stuff like this
themselves." Right. LOL...Oh hey, since Im using linux, I know how to
do it myself. Why did I bother sitting on hold for 45 minutes at two
in the morning, eh?

BTW, my PC is a Compaq, with a 500 mhz Celeron, 64 meg RAM, 17 gig HD.
Can anyone help? If more info is needed, let me know what you need and
itll be provided.




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