In a message dated 16-Sep-00 09:29:12 Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Sorry to butt in...I wonder what kernel 4.0.xx.rpm will be like? I think by
 then we will have moved to Linux 100% and be able to safely import our
 documents from Mac and/or Windows without a hitch. Many companies are
 already taking a serious look at Linux in the present version. Personally, I
 think this is the best time to begin working with it. Recently, we had a
 conference in Toronto, and I was impressed by the larger involvement with
 Linux software and other Linux related products. Although, it does seem the
 turn out from other companies is getting smaller. >>

It will still take some time for linux to be seen for its full potential you 
also have to contend with linux still has some difficulties that cause 
current windows and mac users get scared and run off from the idea.
 i found that linux mandrake can at times be difficult to deal with, given i 
grew up on windows and dos but there are still bugs that can make life a 
little difficult for me such as installation apparently did not install all 
necessary files and i have to search out and install them myself this can 
drive a windows user nuts where practically everything is automated.
In windows our problem is instability reasons why when i first got win 95 i 
started searching for another os and some one on aol mentioned "linux" 
something i never heard before something as i serached i found has a larger 
role in the world then the average user knew and its spread was growing. More 
and more people become aware of linux, and sometimes i am surprised when 
someone asks 
"whats linux?"
the only words i can tell them is an os that will soon overcome windows in 
its superiority!

But as i said it takes time we still have much work to do with linux 
upgrading features and intigrating others without sacrafising the kernels 
stability which from recent articles on suggest we may be heading 
that way, there has been another type of linux based os that could be 
integrated with all linux distrobutions it intoduces microprogramming 
techniques that enable this little demo os to fit on a 1.4mb floppy disk, 
including a browser, and internet access, with a couple games and a text 

we are making alot of advances in our technology and its just a matter of 
time before linux powers us into the stars.

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