> Kandace Little wrote:
> I can not get this modem working wit Linux not sure
> why though, It works just find when running windows.
> It is a sportster 33.6 ENT FAX modem and I find I like
> the little thing ;).
> The problem I am having is that when I go to call out,
> it finds the modem says it is ready then starts to
> initialize and goes no father. My modem is in COM
> port 1, I used dev/ttyS0 instead of dev/modem. I also
> tried it the other way as well. It once said that it was
> setting speaker volume but stopped there.
> Speaker does not mean that much to me anyway since
> I can not seem to get my sound going hehe.. Dam sound
> it built onto the Mobo it is ESS and SB compatible but
> still does not seem to work.
> Anyway and help would be great. Thanks!
> Stephen

Stephen, did you see my message about your modem setup??

To recap. you could be getting conflicts between your mouse
and your modem - regardless of mouse type (USB or serial), it
seems the mouse may also be assigned to Com1/ttyS0 - you would
be better off to connect the modem to your second serial connector
if you have one or to change the address and irq for the serial port
on your bios.

Take another look at my original response to your plea for help.

Once we get the modem side sorted we can move toward sorting out
the lack of noises problem...



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